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Wool 羊毛

Natureֹ’s very own functional material

Wool has kept people warm for thousands of years and is part of a long tradition in outdoor life, playing a vital role for people such as traditional farmers, fishermen, firemen and soldiers. This curly, hollow fibre holds large volumes of air, which then provide insulation.

As well as being a natural material, wool is also a remarkably sophisticated fibre: it’s durable and elastic, comfortable to wear and very useful in both hot and cold climates. Wool absorbs moisture which is then transported away from the body (where otherwise it would cool and make you colder) and it is the only fibre to have any thermal properties while damp. It is particularly clever when you are switching between heavy and light work, as it helps to regulate your temperature.

Wool is also naturally resistant to dirt and bad odours, which means that woollen garments do not need to be washed as often as similar synthetic garments. Airing the garment is usually sufficient for it to feel clean again.

Different types of wool

Fjällräven uses different types of wool depending on the desired function.

• Normal wool from sheep is insulating, durable and soft. The insulating capacity can be varied by using different knitting techniques to create either a smoother or airier structure.

Lamb’s wool comes from the first shearing of a young sheep and is extra soft and versatile. Knitting techniques can also be varied in this instance.

Merino wool comes from Merino sheep and is an extra soft, fine wool that is not itchy – which is why it is popular for underwear and garments worn close to the skin.







• 一般羊毛: 取自綿羊,保暖度佳、耐用、柔軟。運用不同的織法可創造出或平滑或蓬鬆的結構,保暖度也會有所差異。

羔羊毛: 取自小羊初剪的羊毛,極度柔軟、透氣。織法也可能不同。

美麗諾羊毛: 取自美麗諾綿羊,極度柔軟、細緻,不刺激皮膚,是被廣泛運用於內衣、貼身服飾的原因。

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