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Nature & environment 自然與環境

Protect and conserve the nature we love

To leave no trace is a motto among outdoor enthusiasts. And just as we would like to leave last night’s campsite so that the next visitors can enjoy undisturbed nature, we would also like Fjällräven as a company to have as small an environmental footprint as possible.

For many years, Fjällräven has been working actively to protect people, wildlife and nature. As an outdoor company, with many employees who themselves love being outdoors, this seems completely natural to us.

We are proud to be able to offer our customers timeless, durable and functional outdoor clothing and equipment. We are convinced that products that last longer are better for the environment than trendy items that only last one season. Of course, we are also careful to ensure that our products are manufactured correctly from the start. Therefore, we are constantly striving to improve processes, select suitable raw materials and decrease our consumption of water, energy and chemicals.

For many years we have taken part in conservation projects and in particular we have chosen to focus on the Scandinavian arctic fox, a species on the brink of extinction due to a number of unfortunate circumstances.


「不留痕跡(leave no trace)」是戶外活動愛好者的座右銘,就像我們願意離開昨夜的營地,讓下一位造訪者享受大自然的原始生態一樣,我們期許Fjällräven作為一間企業,也能盡力對環境留下最小的足跡。




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