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Save the Arctic Fox 保育北極狐

We want to see more arctic foxes in the Scandinavian mountains

The arctic fox, or Vulpes lagopus as it is called in Latin, is one of Scandinavia’s original inhabitants – it has been found here since the inland ice first began to recede. The arctic fox is unfortunately under severe threat of extinction in Scandinavia and Finland due to overhunting for its beautiful fur coat at the beginning of last century. Despite the arctic fox becoming a protected species in 1928 in Sweden and 1930 in Norway, the population has had a difficult time recovering. The primary reasons for this include insufficient access to food and competition from the red fox which is pushing the arctic fox away from its natural habitat. Climate change, with its shorter and milder winters, also affects living conditions.

Funding for research and conservation measures

Anders Angerbjörn is an arctic fox expert, professor and researcher at Stockholm University. He believes that the number of arctic foxes in the mountains could be doubled with the right measures. Today, there are between 130 and 200 adult individuals, but for a species to be considered stable, approximately 500 adults are required.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, Fjällräven has been cooperating with Anders Angerbjörn in a number of different arctic fox projects. We help spread information, supply equipment and donate money to research and food supplementation. In 2010, Anders Angerbjörn was awarded with our Golden Fox Award for his enduring and crucial work.


北極狐在拉丁文裡稱為Vulpes lagopus,是北歐半島的原住民。島上的冰雪開始消融之後就出現了北極狐的蹤跡。然而自上個世紀初起,人類覬覦牠們美麗的皮毛而濫捕濫殺,導致北歐半島和芬蘭的北極狐面臨滅絕的危機。儘管瑞典於1928年、挪威於1930年都將北極狐列入保育動物,牠們的數量仍然難以恢復。主要原因來自於食物的缺乏,赤狐的競爭也迫使牠們離開原本的棲息地。氣候變遷造成冬季變短、暖化,都影響著牠們的生存環境。


Anders Angerbjörn是一位北極狐專家,同時也是斯德哥爾摩大學的教授兼研究員。他認為只要採取正確的措施,山區的北極狐數量就有可能有雙倍增長。今日約有130到200隻成年北極狐,但是要有大約500隻才足以維持物種穩定。

Fjällräven自1990年代初起就與Anders Angerbjörn合作多項北極狐保育計畫,我們協助宣揚訊息、提供裝備,並捐款贊助研究和食物補給工作。Anders Angerbjörn在2010年獲得我們的金狐狸獎,以表揚他持續不懈的重大努力。

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