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Animal welfare 動物福祉

No live plucking, no force feeding, no mulesing

The suffering of animals so that people can satisfy their needs is unacceptable. Fjällräven has never accepted any kind of ill-treatment of animals associated with the manufacturing of our products. When animals are involved in our production methods, we ensure that they are raised and treated ethically and that no animal is hurt or subjected to suffering due to careless treatment.

Animals shall be treated with respect

Fjällräven’s approach to animal welfare is detailed in our Code of Conduct, which all our suppliers must sign. Here is a short summary of our pledges:

• We do not accept the plucking of live geese or force-feeding techniques. We only use high-quality down from strictly controlled suppliers, where the down is a by-product of food production. We received an honourable mention in 2010 for our handling of down.

• We do not use real fur in clothing, accessories or any other products. Instead we use our synthetic alternative, Arctic Fur.

• We do not accept the practice of mulesing, the surgical procedure carried out on merino sheep in Australia to make them less attractive to blowflies. We only purchase wool from suppliers who can guarantee mulesing-free merino wool.

Save the Arctic Fox Project

In addition to focusing on animal welfare in the production of our products, we have supported several different projects working with preserving the endangered Scandinavian arctic fox since the early 1990s. Projects are conducted in cooperation with Stockholm University.





• 我們不允許對鵝隻活體拔毛或強制灌食,我們只與嚴格控管的供應商合作,取用頂級羽絨,且必須是食品加工的副產品。我們處理羽絨的態度讓我們在2010年榮獲表揚。

• 我們的服飾、配件或其他產品皆不使用真毛, 而是採用一種人造的北極毛。

• 我們不接受割皮防蠅的作法,這是一種施行於澳洲美麗諾羊,讓牠們不易招蠅的手術。我們的羊毛供應商必須保證他們提供的美麗諾羊毛是不施行割皮防蠅手術的。



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