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Meet Kånken Art ’22:

Free Horizon by Tekla Evelina Severin

認識Kånken Art ’22:

由Tekla Evelina Severin所設計的Free Horizon

Kånken Art happens when renowned artists express their relationship to nature while using a Kånken backpack as their canvas.

Kånken Art的誕生,是由知名藝術家將Kånken包當作畫布,傳達他們與大自然的關係。

On April 22, 2022, Fjällräven will launch its fourth version of the limited-edition series. Kånken Art ’22 is designed by Tekla Evelina Severin, a Swedish colourist, designer and photographer. Her design, “Free Horizon,” is based on the lines and spaces found in nature. Specifically, where land and sea meet the sky.

2022年4月22日,Fjällräven將推出此限量系列的第四款。Kånken Art ’22由瑞典調色師、設計師暨攝影師Tekla Evelina Severin操刀設計,命名為Free Horizon(自由地平線)。她的設計靈感來自於大自然中的線條和空間,特別是海陸與天空交際之處。

“My starting point were the lines and volumes in nature, and then I built compositions around them. I wanted to find something long-lasting, open and spacious. What is more open and constant than the horizon line, where the sea or land meets the sky? It is always the same, yet constantly changing.

In terms of colour, I was inspired by warm and sunny latitudes, rugged archipelago cliffs and glowing poppy fields bathed in pink sunsets.
The large and small details work together to create the main composition and are important parts of the whole. At the same time, they create worlds of their own.”


One percent of all Kånken Art sales go directly to funding the Arctic Fox Initiative, which helps Fjällräven support projects that put nature first. Learn more about the Arctic Fox Initiative and the organisations that have received funds so far.

Kånken Art銷售的百分之一將直接捐助「北極狐保育計畫」(Arctic Fox Initiative),並透過該計畫支持自然保育方案。可進一步認識北極狐保育計畫以及目前為止獲得贊助的組織。

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